Board meeting 6/17

Holloway work day priority- Hole 7- Hen to work on getting support of equipment. Terry still working on the course- gift card?- Christian/Austen

July calendar- July 13th work day at Holloway

Tag/shirt-shirts coming in 6/18~ make post to pick up shirts. Another post on tags as well.

Finance- War rounds picking up, finances are good

It update- new calendar updating

Matienance update- shift more to focus on playability at the moment. August back to peace river and to place benches. Replacement sign for 12 short in the works. Art work given for next tee signs with Mando signs as well. A & B signs at Loyce? Work days before or after leauge on weekends to clean up small things.

War update- people are playing, but need more!

Open discussion-

Borad photos 6/24 with new club shirts

Mess with UDisc regarding Monday night dubs- Yezin