05/20/24 Quarterly club meeting notes

Bag tags have been distributed to members who have signed up on Disc Golf Scene

T-shirts will be available via the Disc Golf Scene– Starting with 50 ordered, will order more if wanted.

Communications Director announcement- Chris Heverling will be joining the board

Work days– TBD; Junior Pads continuation
Round pad for juinor Hole 10 at Loyce?

Upcoming tournaments-
Year End Matt Eady Ace race- Shooting for Nov/Dec
July- bring your own partners doubles (A/mixed/B pool)- to generate funds for the WAR team
End of year event for club memebers
2 tournaments as precursesr to PCCO in the works- adding Peace Rivers to the PRO weekend for PCCO- PCCO now able to be an A teir for the coming year!

Update Club finaces– Healthy (yay)

Call for volunteers with running weekly club events– New volunteers Ryan Callahan & Emilee Terway

Open questions?

New tee signs for Loyce? Work has ceased once junior pads are in, then new signs can be looked at.
Change hole 12 at Peace River- Par 3 Short to long and long to short, Par 4 short to short and long to short                                Hole 5 at Peace River short, left side route, can we trim the left sided limbs down?