Board Meeting Notes April 1, 2024

  • April layout for Loyce
  • Board elections
    • Tyson still working on by-law updates for requirements to serve on the board (minimum attendance).  still working on this.
    • Who is volunteering to solicit for email address of current members, then building a survey monkey or similar and running the election process via email?  Update from Austen…
      • all of this being started this week and asking for nominations as soon as next week via survey monkey or similar.
  • Bag Tag event
    • Who specifically is running this and who is volunteering to help that person?  Update from Josh H…. TD assist Tyson and Austin, sanction, reserve course
    • Who is renting the park?
    • The date of the event is May 4th, I’m assuming we are using disc golf scene
      • what are the participants getting (bag tag, shirt, cup?)20$ add on shirt to receive later.need design
      • payouts have been approved at $300, for top 5 finishers $100, $80, $60, $40, $20.
      • Do we want to rent a pavilion and order food and have the tags disbursed at the pavilion as well as the board seats announced?josh will send email and copy tyson. Move event 2 weeks back. Wed after doubles.
  • Prioritizing projects by importance and putting them on a calendar
    • Beginner pads
    • Holloway hole 7 basket – GOTTA FIX, build a wall
      budget for equipment? Josh will get.
    • Park Work days : peace river 4/13 Saturday
    • Polk County tournament schedule for the year-TBD
    • Eady Memorial Ace Race -TBD end of year
    • any other topic to add?
  • Other topics
  • Wednesday doubles
  • discuss meeting goals and upcoming projects
  • quarterly food, meeting for members